Always A Better Solution®


Our factory was established in Atlantis Industrial on the West Coast of South Africa in 1978 to manufacture bidim® nonwoven geoxtextiles. Subsequently production has been expanded to include geogrid, staple fibre and GCL (Geosynthetic Clay Liner) manufacturing lines.

We Are Unique:

  • the only continuous filament, spunbond, needle-punched nonwoven (bidim®) manufacturer in Africa
  • the only dedicated geotextile producer in Africa
  • a local manufacturer for supply to Africa and other international markets
  • set up to utilise recycled material successfully in production of engineering products
  • only GCL manufacturer in Africa

Quality Assurance

Our Kaytech Atlantis production facility is ISO 9001 certified
(Registration No: LS 1176).

The SABS Product Certification Scheme aims at providing third party guarantee of quality, safety and reliability of products to the consumer.

SKZ is one of Europe’s largest accredited and certified institutes for quality assurance monitoring over 900 products.

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